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Adult faith formation

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

The Bible and the Church Saturday,

March 24, 2018

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Should we read the Bible literally or not? How do we look to the Bible for wisdom regarding current events? Why is congregational church important? Or is it? During this Adult Faith Formation course, we will explore the origins of the Bible and the Church and their place in our lives of faith.

Prior to the day of the course, participants are invited to email their questions about faith, church, theology, etc. to Pastor Paula at As time allows, these questions will be incorporated specifically into the content of the teaching for the day. Questions may also be taken the day of the course. Pr. Paula prefers to teach using the questions of the people in the room so what you are learning is what you want to know. 

Each course in the Adult Faith Formation series will cover the basic teachings of Lutheran theology with topics focused on the named portion of Luther’s Small Catechism (Ten Commandments, Sacraments and Creed) and the questions of the participants. The Adult Faith Formation series will continue to broaden your theological understanding. Each course is a stand-alone session and attendance at previous courses is not necessary. Participants are welcome to join for any number of courses they are interested in as they strive to further understand their faith.


Only $25 for each class! This cost includes programming, lunch and a copy of Luther's Small Catechism.


Carol Joy Holling Center, Ashland, NE


For more information, contact Pr. Paula Lawhead at or 402-944-2544.

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